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How to Survive a Verbal Attack
I was in line one day at the airport when a woman arrived late and wasn’t permitted to board. She screamed obscenities at the West Jet...

I’m Angry That You’re Angry
I observed an argument between two people last week and with little effort, I remained calm and objective. This week I was the one in a...

Using Marijuana to Regulate Emotions
If you struggle with alcohol, you likely know the consequences of over indulging. If you use marijuana excessively, you probably think...

When Emotions Run Your Life
In Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Marsha Linehan describes each person as having three states of mind; emotion mind, reasonable...

Differentiating Between Emotions & Thoughts
Do you have difficulty separating your thoughts from your emotions? If you do, you may blame others for how you feel and behave. You may...

Are you Listening? Validate Yourself
When someone tells us that what we feel or think is wrong, stupid or unimportant, they invalidate us. If it happens infrequently, we can...

When Mistakes Feel Shaming
I can still remember the shame I felt at 16 when I didn’t pass my driver’s test the first time. Failing confirmed every negative thought...

Pain is Inevitable; Suffering is Optional
When I was eight years old I called a girl a bad name. She told me I was gonna be sorry, and I believed her. For the next three years I...

Trust Yourself and Heal from Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is the fear of being judged by other people; but it’s not other people’s judgment we fear, it’s our own. If we can handle...

5 Reasons for Mood Swings
Many of us are familiar with the slight mood swings that hormones, stress, or illness can cause. We are all capable of over-reacting...

Do You Hide Your True Feelings?
I’m five years old in this picture and mad as hell. This photo was supposed to be only of me. My Mom dressed me up, curled my hair, and...

Three Ways We Complicate Our Emotions
My granddaughter Kaylie was excited to go shopping on Boxing Day with her Christmas money. I dropped her off at the Mall and when I...

It’s Hard to Have Empathy if You’re Blocking Me!
A record snowfall in Prince George this week stranded drivers and shut down many services for a few days. Trying to get to work in...

Validation: The Foundation of a Good Relationship
Validation is conveying to someone that you understand how he or she feels, thinks, or behaves. It doesn’t mean you feel the same way or...

Fear: A Normal Response to the Coronavirus
Many people are seeking help for anxiety over the coronavirus. They assume that their fear is an abnormal, unhealthy reaction that gets...

Adult ADHD: You’re Not Stupid you Know
“You’re not stupid you know.” “You could do well if you just applied yourself.” “Slow down and for goodness sake, stop talking!” I grew...
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